


Crown of sonnets or corona sequence, 14 & 1 Magistrale, 26:02 min, single-channel-movie or 01:44 min, loop, 15-channel-movie, smartinstallation, publicity film stills or production stills, laser cut template, printed on cardboard, DIN A3.




Crown of sonnets or corona sequence, 14 & 1 Magistrale, 26:02 min, single-channel-movie or 01:44 min, loop, 15-channel-movie, smartinstallation, typface concept sketch, print paper, DIN A4.



Crown of sonnets or corona sequence, 14 & 1 Magistrale, 26:02 min, single-channel-movie or 01:44 min, loop, 15-channel-movie, smartinstallation, progress note, print paper, 2 x DIN A4.



Crown of sonnets or corona sequence, 14 & 1 Magistrale, 26:02 min, single-channel-movie or 01:44 min, loop, 15-channel-movie, smartinstallation, golden mètre des archives, planimetric concept, graph paper, DIN A3.



Crown of sonnets, sonnet corona, or sonnet wreath, 14 & 1 Magistrale, 01:44 min., loop, 15-channel-movie. Installation view, FAB / Festival of Animation Berlin: Animation Expanded, 2020. Curator and construction, Lukas Thiele.
FAB Dimensional 2020

No other genre of poetry addresses the peculiarities and problems of its form as frequently as the sonnet. The sonnet is the ideal type of art poem, which acts out its components, in contrast to each other, in an artistic world. It refers dialectically to two opposite poles that are expressed simultaneously: the formal and the figurative level. Emotion and intellect, intuition and reason are synchronized in a dynamic process. The sonnet thus shows us the reason for poetry and tries to realize the eternal utopia of poetry: to create a poetic space according to strict rules of the game. (see: Raoul Schrott, “Die Erfindung der Poesie“, Munich: dtv, 1999)

In the original Italian form, sonnets consist of 14 lines divided into two quartets and two tercets. The rhyme scheme is abba abba cdc dcd and the content structure is characterized by an antithetical construction. A sonnet wreath is the strictly constructed form of a poem cycle composed of fifteen sonnets: “A sequence of related sonnets consists of 14 + 1 individual sonnets, where the last line of the first sonnet corresponds to the first line of the second sonnet, the last line of the second sonnet corresponds to the first line of the third, and so on, until the 14th sonnet, the last line of which is again identical to the first line of the first sonnet, resulting in a wreath form (Italian and English corona). The 15th sonnet, the so-called master sonnet or magistrale, consists summarily and in unchanged order of all the opening or closing lines of the individual sonnets.“ (Wikipedia)

The 15-channel installation URSONETT: CROWN OF SONNETS OR CORONA SEQUENCE takes up the structure of the sonnet and transforms a poetic form into an audiovisual one. The proportions of the walk-in media poem are related to the international primordial meter of the golden ratio, playfully and conceptually modifying the Vitruvian tradition. The rhythmically varied asterisk (* character) with the corresponding fonts stands as a symbol both for the gender star and for thinking in networked hypermedia structures and hypertexts, footnotes or endnotes, and, last but not least, as an homage to the Lumière brothers and the “Star Film Company“ of the illusionist Georges Méliès.